Community Input Open House
Camp Naco Site Program and Preliminary Conceptual Site Plan
Saturday, March 9, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Camp Naco, 2118 W Newell St, Naco
The public is invited to Camp Naco for an Open House to review the proposed site program elements and a preliminary conceptual site plan for development of the 17-acre site at Camp Naco.
This Preliminary Site Plan and Site Development Program, developed by the design team, led by architectural firm Poster Mirto McDonald, incorporates years of ideas and feedback from the community, stakeholders, and advisors. In this informal event, the public will be granted limited access to the Camp Naco site and the ability to review program details, diagrams, and drawings of the proposed plan, to ask questions, and to provide feedback. Members of the design team and the Camp Naco Project Team will be on-hand to answer questions and gather valuable input from the public before further developing plans and applying for permits. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Camp Naco is located at 2118 W. Newell St. Naco, AZ 85620